
Showing posts from October, 2013

Mental Illness: The Silent and sometimes not so Silent Killer

I posted this the other day on Facebook and decided I would share with those that are not on my private page. Mental illness is real folks. I could express my opinion on these things in terms of spiritual warfare however, I just want to stress recognizing the warning signs, getting help when you need it and finding peace in the midst of adversity. If you lose your house, car, relationships, LET IT GO!!! It is not worth losing your mind. It is not worth hurting yourself or someone else. You are Loved.  Also, life is meant to be experienced. There will be amazing highs and gut wrenching lows for EVERYONE. We will lose people we love, things, opportunities but we will gain experience and hopefully wisdom, new opportunities, have more relationships, make more memories and get more things. If you are crumbling to the point of no return talk to someone and get help and if any of you see any one crumbling reach out, talk and ultimately Get Them Help....  #BEBLESSED I wrote this w...