My Journey with Ruth

Hey My People, I just want to share a few things with you. I have been on this spiritual journey and working to strengthen my relationship with GOD. In doing that I have been reading the Bible, applying these teachings to my life, more prayer and taking time to listen. This morning I started a Four day Devotional on the book of Ruth and I wanted to share a few of my thoughts with you. This entire Chapter 1 is significant for me in some many ways and I am able to apply these principles in my own life. In this first chapter is shows Naomi and her husband leaving a place that was not producing for another place. Whether this was a good move we will never know. However in the process it seems as though they went about their lives and when Naomi's husband died she continued. As Naomi's children became men and took wives from this surrogate land they still existed until the sons also perished. It does not say how the sons died. However, I can only imagine there w...