Art. Art. Art Crawl.

Dear World, Guess what I've figured out. I am an artist! I know that sounds like an unusual discovery for someone to make. I mean, don't you just know???? Well, let me explain. I've always had a soft place in my heart for all things art. I grew up singing in the church and school choirs. Spent countless days getting lost in creating song lyrics, various paintings and drawings still exhibited throughout my family's home. At some point, I developed a strong passion for writing and now have a collection of poetry, short stories and even now trying my hand at book. I took acting classes in college and was even encouraged by my thespian instructors to make the leap from the conservative Political Science major to the arts. The optimistic realist in me stayed on course. Nevertheless, I continued to learn. I learned how to make jewelry and was taught at an early age to sew many beautiful creations by...