
Good Morning World

I just finished my morning prayer and reflecting over my life and so many amazing experiences.  Some good. Some bad. But amazing just the same. I say that because I don't know about you but I've always been an active person and as a kid an active "little" person. So being bored would always creep up from time to time. I suppose that is why I've always loved traveling, learning and meeting people. I suppose my ability to embrace change, other cultures and out-of-box thinking and living was also the thing that made me different from my small town upbringing.

As a child I always tried to fit in and be a part of the pack. I tried to blend in into the wall if I could but that was not to be and trust me when I say I tried. I laugh at the thought now as I am coming into my own. I say this in the present tense because I believe as long as we are alive and truly LIVE we never stop growing, learning and becoming who we are meant to be. I embrace my individuality and my uniqueness.  I enjoy that fact and am so thankful that God made me and thought enough of me to give me these amazing experiences and the ones to come. So as I travel around the world and my country I hope that my light and little experiences with me is a joy to you. That I make an impact in your life as you are making in mine.

As always I hope this message finds in in peace, joy and love.

Until next time
Curly Girl.


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