Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

I thought about you today. Thoughts that consume much of the day and haunt the mind like a weary spirit. Yet, there is no melancholy or sadness only joy on my mind. I thought about all the things I want to share with you.  My secrets, dreams, goals, and of course fantasies. I thought about how I will never give up hope that we will meet and be together soon.  Even though this world has not been so kind, I am saving the best of me just for you. I will never let anyone steal what is rightfully yours. You deserve it. You deserve this. Without meeting I know that you are all I ever wanted, will want and soooo worth the wait.  Where are you? I'm praying for you-for your strength, safety, career, life, hopes and dreams. I'm rooting for you. I'm here for you. Most importantly, I Love you.....

Until next time,
Your future wife


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