Howling at the Moon

Dear World,
I'm sure many of you have heard the old Indian tale of the Two Wolves. If you have not the story goes something like this.  An old wise man speaks to his son about the battle that goes on inside of people.  He explains that the battle is between two wolves inside of us.  The first wolf is bad having characteristics of anger, resentment, guilt, and every other negative trait.  The second wolf is good and embodies joy, peace love, truth, etc.  After thinking about the story the son asks the son which one wins to which the old man replies the one that we feed the most. 

I share this tale because lately I feel like the individual with two wolves.  Not necessarily wolves battling good or bad but life pursuits. Maybe it is not even two different wolves rather one wolf with two perspectives of life.  Here is an example.  Relationships have been a recurring theme for me in 2014.  Even though this year dealt hard blows and challenges with romantic relationships a couple lifetime moments were shared and will be remembered.  Yet, the year has been the absolute BEST in terms of true friendships and family bonds.  My support system is rock solid and I have never felt more loved.   In 2014 my relationships have been good overall and I choose to see the good things that comes from each experience.  Perception. 
With that said I am on the road to branching out, remain hopeful about the future and optimist about the intricacies of life.  I have become a writing and painting beast. Ever since my birthday excursion to Costa Rica approximately two months ago this door of creativity opened and life rushed in.  I have to admit at times it's almost overwhelming.  For the first time in my life I feel as if I have awakened!! I see life differently. I see myself differently.  I feel differently.  Love, joy and peace reverberates off my body like pure energy. I don't understand how or even when it happened.  Only that I never want this feeling to end and want more.  So much so that I am finally making a leap of faith regarding the direction of my life from this point forward.  I have actively began research, set goals and even a timeline to make the transition out of the traditional work environment to a completely mobile lifestyle. 

The more I think about my future, the more I get excited with a hint of fear of the unknown.  Strangely enough that is what makes all this so exhilarating. All my life I have struggled with trying to be normal by societal standards. Always struggling with square peg syndrome.  Though I managed to get a quite a few things right for me there is more to life than a good job, buying a huge house, get married, career advancement to buy more stuff, have kids, grow old, retire.  While all those things are wonderful I've come to realize we all have different paths and ways getting there. Now, I welcome my uniqueness and coming into my own and all the amazing experiences that come with it. Ahhhh....I just sit back in this leather chair halfway in a dream state and as my words and blinking cursor comes in and out of focus marvel at myself-at growth.  Who knew I would be actually ready to HOWL AT THE MOON?

So world what changes in your life are you experiencing and what makes you want to howl at the moon?


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